
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Flock Mates

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So we have new chicks!  We have 7 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Bantys.  We has 3 banty but one of them didn't make it.  We have been keeping them inside except for short forays outside on warm days.  We actually need to get a tall box for them because they are starting to sprout some wing feathers and are trying to fly.

Sean and my youngest sister with chicks
Peter and the chicks
Sean, my youngest, is not so sure about getting close to the little creatures that move so fast.  And yes they do move very quickly.   My older two, Peter and BethAnn, however, are not so hesitant.  They both think the chicks are pretty cool.  Almost all of the grandkids are enthralled by the chicks.

They are starting to get their adult feathers.  Until they get all of them, they have to stay indoors at night.  We have already added a little perch to thier little enclosure.  It is only about an inch off of the floor, but it will get them used to perching somewhere.  I am hopeful that this will help keep them from trying to roost in the nest boxes when we eventually move them in with the rest of the flock.

I am including some gratuitous chick pictures, because they are just too stinkin' cute.  As you can see these little guys have absolutely no fear, and they are thrilled when they are invited to "help" in the garden while my mom weeds.  As you can see they are also getting their real feathers.
They literally walk all over her.  ;)
Enjoying the weeding, they love all of the little critters
that are unearthed in the process.


  1. Oh they are so precious. Can't wait to see them grow up. Thanks so much for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. You're right they are so stinking cute. Thanks for joining us at Transformed Tuesday.

    Peggy~PJH Designs

  3. Awwww, they're so little! How cute, I'll bet you all have a blast with them! My kids would have loved them (and me too). My friend lives on a farm and we used to drive out there in the spring to see the new baby animals for a couple of years there.

    Thanks so much for linking up today!

  4. Adorable! Thanks for sharing on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! Have a wonderful Mother's day! Join us for the new hop today, if you have time :)

  5. Now I LOVE this. They're so sweet - I'd have a lot for them to munch on while I weed! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


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