
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Totally not Deep Pink

Poppy Seed Mint
I goofed!  At least my effort wasn't totally wasted.  I had tried to use hibiscus to color soap.  I totally forgot that I had read a post by someone who had tried the same thing, and she described the failure and why it failed.  I really should have remembered, but I didn't.  Let me just say, NEVER use hibiscus for soap.  The minute that the lye comes in contact with the hibiscus it turns it into a scummy, brown, nasty mess.  I had tried adding part of the water that I had steeped the hibiscus in directly to the oil.  When I added the lye water, it changed the hibiscus to a mess.  It didn't get scummy, but it didn't smell pretty or look pretty.

Texture of the poppy seed mint
Unfortunately because we had Vacation Bible School all week and I had a shower that I was taking these soaps to, I don't have pictures of the mess that the hibiscus made of my soap.

Top of the poppy seed mint
So I doctored on it a bit.  I added peppermint oil and poppy seeds to the soap.  I also added additional poppy seeds to the top of the soap.  The soap is still a brown shade, but it mostly smells of peppermint.  If I had some lemon oil on hand I would have used that, but all I have is extract and I didn't want to chance a soap on a stick situation.  For non-soapers out there this is what is commonly referred to as seizing.  When this happens the soap goes from trace to solid almost at once.  I really don't want to go there!  If I had gone with lemon oil it would look somewhat like lemon- poppy seed loaf.

When I cut the soap I initially could really smell the hibiscus.  I don't think that it will remain that strong, but it might.  It seems to be dissipating, at least the hibiscus is but the mint is quite pleasant.  It will be interesting to see how well it works for exfoliating once it has finished curing.

Texture of the lavender soap
On a more pleasant note, I tried my hand at my first batch of cold process lavender soap.  I only did a three pound batch for starters.  I sprinkled lavender buds on the top of the soap before and after baking it at 170*.  I love the texture of the soap.  The color is a soft creamy lovely shade.  I scented it with some lavender essential oil.  The use of the shortening seems to make the soap lighter in shade.

Cut lavender soap
These soaps won't be ready for at least 4 weeks.  I have put both soaps in my dehydrator in hopes that it will help them to cure more quickly.  I don't know if it will work, but I am hoping that it will take a little time off.  Although my dehydrator does not have a fan, but just supplies heat.  To solve the airflow issue I have placed my dehydrator on a milk crate over an air vent.

My next soaps I think will be based on teas while I wait for some essential oils which I can't order quite yet due to financial constraints.  I am going to try white and green tea with jasmine.
Lavender buds on top
In the dehydrator

1 comment:

  1. If I did not know that isn't how the soap was intended to look, I wouldn't have guessed it. I think it's lovely.

    Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


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