
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Spiced Peach Preserves

Peaches all finely chopped ready to go in the pot
I picked up a half bushel of peaches the other day.   We canned most of them, but I wanted to make some spiced peach preserves for my family.  They really liked the ones that I made last time.

I started by blanching the peaches to peel them more easily.  After slipping the peels off I went around the peach cutting slices from the top to the bottom of  the peach.  After slicing long ways, I sliced around the peach making 4 -5 slices before turning the peach in my hand.  After the peach was sliced an diced, I removed all of the flesh off of the pit.  Most of the flesh will fall right off, so it is really easy if you have freestone peaches.  
Water with pectin and cinnamon
and ginger

For those who don't know there are two divisions in the peach types: freestone and clingstone.  Freestones freely release from the pit/stone.  Clingstones do not easily release from the pit/stone. Personally I prefer the freestone varieties.  

After removing from the pit, my chunks still looked like they were a little too large for my liking.  So I look my hand chopper to make the pieces smaller.  I don't like to have pieces in my jam or preserves that make it hard to spread.

After measuring the amount of peaches after being chopped (3 1/2 cups), I added 2 cups of water.  Without the extra water the preserves will go slimy not jell.  To one cup of the water I added 1 heaping 1/3 cup of powdered pectin, approximately 1/2 t cinnamon and 1/4 t  ginger.  This will give the preserves a hint of spiciness without being overwhelming.  I also added about 4 cups of sugar.  Don't forget to mix the sugar in well before adding heat.

Adding sugar to the peaches
Next I started cooking the mixture.  I kept the heat to medium.  This helps to prevent boil over and scorching, both of which are not desirable in your preserves.  There will be some foam.  This is totally normal.  I boiled this, checking it frequently.

I check the jelly viscosity by using a spoon full of jelly and letting it cool briefly on a plate next to the stove. When the mixture slides off the spoon in a sheet it is ready.

Getting all bubbly and delicious
I sterilize my jars right before I start my jelly.  So my jars are standing ready to be filled.  I have a pot boiling on the back of my stove for heating and sterilizing the jar lids also.  After filling my jars with the hot preserves, using a canning funnel, I wipe the rim with a wet paper towel.   After wiping the rim, I put my hot lid on the jar, and screw the rim on fairly tightly.  Then I turn them over and leave them for 5 minutes.  After about 5 minutes, I turn them right side up again.  You can certainly leave them longer.  I have even left jars upside down overnight before.  The only issue I have had with leaving them too long is the jelly setting up in the top of the jar instead of the bottom. 
All jarred and sitting for 5 minutes

Now they are all ready to either share or consume.

Light thru the preserves - well sort of


  1. I love making my own preserves, but I've never tried peach preserves before! I'd be thrilled if you'd come on over to Pink Recipe Box and link up at Creative Wednesdays:

  2. Looks great! Yum :) Would make a perfect gift.
    Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  3. looks yummy!
    i'm following you over at kate's blog.

  4. I love home made peach preserves it looks so tasty.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  5. This looks delicious:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  6. Yum! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!

  7. This looks great! I have just started canning and making preserves. Ill have to try this soon! Yum!

    Im going to feature this tomorrow in a recipe roundup! Thanks for linking up :)

  8. YUM! I love homemade preserves! Thanks for sharing at the Creative Home & Garden Hop.
    Looking forward to seeing what you share this week.


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