I am sorry for going AWOL for the week last week, but there are limits to what a body can manage sometimes. Unfortunately last week blogging was over the limit of what could be accomplished. I was incredibly busy last week getting ready for a fundraiser/craft show. It was a fundraiser for HLH which is rare and therefore not studied as much as some of the other more prevalent diseases. (For more information go to www.histio.org)
I had lots of soap made and ready to go, but it still needed to wrapped, weighted and labeled. So I spent a lot of my time weighting and wrapping soap. And of course, there was the inevitable changing of plans that is pretty par for the course in my life right now. Among other things I went to a ladies meeting on Friday night and didn't get home until 11 PM. It was definitely worth attending, but definitely crowded the schedule.
My soap table |
Saturday morning started out COLD. It was 28* when I left my house to pick up the friend who went with me. You have to understand that this is a marked difference from the 50's lows that we have been used to. Mind you I am not really complaining, just noting that it is a shock to the system.
My other table |
It had warmed up to about 38* by the time we made it into Crossville, TN. We found the courthouse where we were supposed to be, unloaded and started setting up for the day. Unfortunately it was also fairly breezy so we had to make some accommodations for the wind that I had not counted on. I took almost my full line of products. The only things that I did not take were my hats and the pacifier clips. I totally forgot about grabbing the pacifier clips. OOPS!
My 6' and 5' tables were not enough space. I used my totes to put my samples and baby blankets on. Unfortunately we were there on the same weekend as the last car show of the year. Just about the time we got everything set up and situated, the guys from the car show showed up to set up the speakers for their thing. Unfortunately we were right in the path of where they put their speakers, and they refused to move them at all. I was really tempted to go and ask them if their mother's would approve of their manners, but I restrained myself. Maybe, I got so upset because I am working very hard to instill in my
children the same manners that they did not use. It was very frustrating, but such is life. We were also informed that the spot we had set up would be loud. ARGH!
So we moved to a spot down the block that did not have any speakers. It ended up being a better place, but the process was frustrating. As you can tell from the soap table picture, we ended up set up along the front edge of the bouncy house people. We didn't block them we were just squished onto the edge of the lawn. However we had sunshine and we were far enough away from the music that it wasn't too loud for customers to converse with us. After about 2 PM it started getting cloudy so we started packing up a little early. Needless to say, my product line would not do well in the rain.
Home and unloaded Now to get everything put away. |
After getting everything packed up, driving back to Cookeville, dropping off my friend at her house, dropping off my mom's table at her house and driving home, I was absolutely whipped. R, my ever so sweet husband, was in the middle of making dinner, so my son, P and I unloaded everything into the living room.
It may take me a week to figure out where to put everything. I didn't realized I had this much in the way of stock. WOW! I didn't make a lot of money, but I made enough to cover the donation with a little left over. I did however make some good contacts, and that is equally important.
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